Our Firm

Month: April 2023

April 11, 2023
Employees of Jaburg Wilk partnered with YWCA to make Bundles of Love for West Valley seniors.  The bundles were delivered to these senior citizens when they received their Meals on Wheels meal delivery on Friday April 7th.   Every senior received a bundle which included ChapStick, hard candy, colorful eggs to put the candy in, and fun cozy socks.  They also had...
April 4, 2023
Play Ball! Jaburg Wilk fielded a co-ed team to play in the annual Arizona Association of Defense Counsel, Young Lawyers Division, softball tournament.  This fun tournament had been sidelined by the pandemic and it was great to have it back.  And, as a special bonus, Jaburg Wilk’s team played for the championship! All proceeds raised benefit Southwest Human Dev...
April 4, 2023
Employees of Jaburg Wilk and their families joined 97 other teams and almost 800 people for the 2023 Arizona Epilepsy Foundation’s Walk to End Epilepsy at Phoenix College on April 1st.  The event raised more than $125,000.    Jaburg Wilk sponsored “Team Jaburg & Wilk.”   It was an interactive and fun way to support a great cause which impacts mo...