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Unrestricted Use of Medical Records in Arizona Divorces and Parenting Time Cases Has Changed

For many years, the question of whether medical records could be used in an Arizona divorce case was settled – so long as the issues of parenting time and legal decision-making were in dispute, all medical records relevant to these issues were to be exchanged and could be used in a family law case. The same was true of medical records pertaining to a spousal maintenance claim.  All medical records were relevant and could be used in the case.

The law in this area was recently revisited and medical record use is now somewhat restricted. On July 12, 2022, Division One of the Arizona Court of Appeals issued its ruling in J.F. v. Como which addressed the conflict between a statutory privilege to privacy of one’s medical records and what is in the best interests of children as required by Arizona laws. The decision in JF has changed the law significantly in this area.

The Facts: The Father had an alcohol use disorder. He was asked to provide his counseling and alcohol rehab records for a period of five years, but he refused. His refusal was based upon the protection afforded by the psychologist-patient privilege.  The Mother argued that the court is required to consider the mental and physical health of the parties and that the medical records are necessary to evaluate the best interests of the children. Additionally, she relied upon an adverse presumption that could be made against a parent who abused drugs or alcohol within the prior twelve months. 

The Decision: The Court of Appeals recognized the “tension between Arizona child custody law, which hinge on a child’s best interest, and a parent’s privacy interest” under a statutory privilege and analyzed each. As to the children’s best interest, the Court of Appeals confirmed that a court has the obligation to act in the best interest of children and concluded that “a child’s best interest represents the lens through which Arizona courts must review and decide all custody disputes.” As to the psychologist-patient privilege, the Court noted that the privilege can be waived by placing that particular medical condition at issue but ultimately, if a parent’s privacy interest squarely conflicts with a child’s best interest, the interest of child prevails. The Court also addressed a limitation on the scope of the records to be disclosed and suggested an inspection by the Court to ensure release only of those records needed to protect the best interest of the children thereby creating the least restrictive or intrusive means of protecting both the children’s best interest and the parents’ privacy. The Court also directed that the medical records to be provided should cover the “shortest period required to accomplish [the Court’s] statutory objective.”

The Takeaways: The case provides some clarity but leaves other questions open:

  1. All medical records that the Court needs to evaluate the best interests of children will be relevant and shall be disclosed and used in Arizona family law cases.
  2. All medical records will be subject to “gatekeeping” by the Family Law Court to ensure that medical records which are not relevant will not be disclosed.
  3. The time period to be disclosed will be subject to argument. The period to be covered to determine recovery from alcohol issues will likely be limited to one year and it is probable that a similar time period will be imposed for other forms of substance abuse. Other medical or mental health conditions will likely necessitate differing periods of time.
  4. The specific medical conditions about which disclosure is required will be narrowly construed to exclude conditions which do not directly impact fitness to parent.
  5. It seems likely that similar restrictions will apply in the area of a spousal maintenance claim. Medical records will likely be limited to those conditions which directly impact the ability to become employed or continue employment.

Arizona family law is nuanced.  Seek guidance of an experienced family law attorney if medical, substance abuse, or the children’s best interests are negatively impacted by a parental medical issue or substance abuse concern. 

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