The people you associate with help determine your future. They matter when people think of you, so choosing wisely is important. Depending on your position, you may or may not be able to choose co-workers, but you can choose who to spend time with both inside and outside of your company. These choices shape your path to your success (or lack thereof) so you need to choose thoughtfully.
I enjoy networking and getting to know people. A few years ago, I took a step back and thought about who I spent time with and why. Through this process I realized there are people I spend time with because they add value to my knowledge, network, and business. Examples are people who provide value to me by referring potential clients who need legal work or connecting me with other professionals they think I would benefit from knowing.
I also realized there are people I spend time with because I like them, they tell great stories, or just make me laugh. By thinking this through I was able to know why I was choosing to spend my time with each person and make choices that helped dramatically increase my business. I still spend time with people just because I like them and they make me laugh, but I may do so a little less frequently and I know why I am doing so. That is why knowing the why of the choice to spend your precious time with someone is so important.
It follows that choosing who to work with or start a business with is as important as picking a spouse or partner, and vice versa. Choose wisely who you have lunch with or meet for coffee because your time is limited and valuable. Don’t be blinded by flash; substance matters in the long run. These types of choices are important because they affect your world so much. That is why choosing who is in your orbit should matter deeply to you. If it doesn’t, it will be evident to others, color how they think of you, and likely negatively affect your opportunities.
We all know people who have a business partner or spouse most people don’t like or merely tolerate. If that is you, are you self-aware enough to know, to admit it to yourself? If so, what keeps you with that person that regularly turns off others and (likely) negatively affects your life? And, yes, I understand emotional, mental, or financial pain may be the reason. You should recognize those types of choices may limit your chances and opportunities for success.
And I know people can change but think about how hard that is. Changing into the person others want to be around doesn’t happen overnight. You are much better off choosing wisely at the beginning. If you do, the greater the chance you will have of avoiding a painful split in the future, and the effect that person can have on your reputation. And business divorce is as painful and messy as a divorce from a spouse.
Take control of your time and plan who you spend it with by thinking about why you spend time with them. The goal is to keep good company by doing your best to choose those whom will matter and figure prominently in your professional and personal life carefully. And sometimes choose laughter.
As always, this post and others can be found on my blog, Business Law Guy.