How much can you expect your divorce to cost? That is a question that I get asked almost all the time in almost every case. And in each situation, the answer is different. But it’s always the same in one respect, which is, I don’t know how much it’s going to cost.
Unfortunately, what I can tell you is that the two most important things in a case which determine how much it’s going to cost is actually the two parties. So husband and wife. If husband and wife can play nice in the sandbox, the cost of your divorce will be exponentially lower.
If, on the other hand, husband and wife are arguing over the pineapple candlesticks, if husband and wife are arguing over personal property and furniture and values of homes, now we’re talking a completely different story. Think about it this way. Each thing that you argue about, if the value of that item is only worth one or two hours of your lawyer’s time, you’re probably going to spend more time arguing over the item than it is worth.
One of the things that I can tell you is take a look at what item or piece of furniture or issue you’re arguing about, because if that issue or item is actually worth less than one or two hours of your lawyer’s time, then you do the math. Arguing over it is going to be a net loss for you.
Where things tend to get expensive, where a divorce gets way more expensive is when we’re arguing over parenting time. We’re arguing over furniture. We’re arguing over the value of a business. Anytime that there is a conflict, it will increase your legal fees in the case.