There are attorneys and firms that think of themselves as “professionals” and ignore the business aspects of practicing law and there are attorneys and firms that only think about making money. We are neither! We are professionals that understand that you make money by creating a great client experience, which translates to “happy clients” that want to pay their bills.
Creating a great client experience involves ALL the employees of JW. From the first time a potential client comes in contact with JW, whether by phone or when the elevator door opens, it is essential he/she is treated with warmth, respect and professionalism. A number of the JW Way Fundamentals specifically address the ingredients to create this experience. It is all JW’s employees’ responsibility to create this environment, for every client and potential client, in every interaction, every day.
You may think that billing is only the attorneys’ responsibility, but most JW employees can impact a client’s bill by being efficient and always thinking of the best and least expensive way to accomplish the client’s goals. Our goal is always to accomplish the client’s goals in the least costly manner.
We should be proud that we can help our clients’ accomplish their business goals and at the same time create a great client experience.