Neal H. Bookspan
September 10, 2015
Don’t be a sloth! Delay rarely helps in any situation. We know disorganization leads to disaster. It not only can make you late on your commitments, it can adversely affect your business and personal life.
We live in a “what have you done for me lately” world that demands that expectations not just to be met, but exceeded. You can do this by setti...
David Allen
September 8, 2015
JW Way #14 – Respect the need to balance professional independence and firm consistency.
While we’ve all developed our own ways to be successful, it’s also important for us to maintain firm consistency in many areas, and to follow firm policies for the best interests of the organization as a whole.
Applying generalized descriptions to any one group of individ...
Mark Bogard
September 3, 2015
JW Way #12 - Practice blameless problem solving.
Blame has no place in our firm. Fix errors by focusing on solutions, not assessing blame. Learn from mistakes and use that knowledge to improve our processes. Without mistakes, there is no learning.
I believe maturity (intellectual and emotional) is key to successfully practicing blameless problem solvin...
Glenn Jimerson
September 3, 2015
Phoenix, Arizona (Sept. 3, 2015) - Phoenix business law firm Jaburg Wilk provided over 4,000 bottles of water to Phoenix Rescue Mission for their Code Red Summer Heat Relief project.
During the summer when temperatures are in the triple digits, life on the streets goes from unbearable to deadly. Homeless individuals need water to survive summer on the streets...
Glenn Jimerson
September 1, 2015
Eight Jaburg Wilk Attorneys Named to 2016 Best Lawyers® in America List
PHOENIX, AZ, (Sept. 1, 2015)- Jaburg Wilk is pleased to announce that eight lawyers have been named to the 2016 Edition of Best Lawyers, the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession.
Lawyers on the Best Lawyers in America list are divided by geographic regi...
Mitchell Reichman
August 27, 2015
The valuation of a business or professional practice in a divorce proceeding requires the resolution of unique issues. Among the most significant of these issues are the valuation date and the standard of value to be applied. In Arizona, judges have the discretion to decide these issues by considering specific factors that are typically unique to the particular cir...
Neal H. Bookspan
August 26, 2015
Most of us had a formal or informal mentor, or maybe even more than one, over the years, who helped us along the way. What you learned may have related to your professional life, or to more general life issues, or both. But either way, the importance of a good mentor mentee relationship cannot be ignored.
The basis of the mentor mentee relationship is support and t...
David Farren
August 21, 2015
Most employers and their legal counsel take pride in rules and policies that have become standard fare in the workplace. Employee Handbooks almost always contain, and certainly should contain, conspicuous provisions that expressly disavow the existence of any contract of employment or any intent to alter, amend or modify the parties' at-will employment relationship...
Neal H. Bookspan
August 17, 2015
You have to do what you say you are going to do. Period. If you don't, people you deal with will not trust what you say and probably not bring you their business or deal with you in the future.
Part of commitment is trust. Are you overselling just to get the job? What are the odds that if you do, you have any chance to succeed? The answer is simple, slim to none. ...
Mervyn Braude
August 10, 2015
Can the misunderstanding of a few words literally mean the difference between life and death?
In 1977 at foggy Tenerife in the Canary islands, the captain of a KLM flight thought that the air traffic controller had cleared him to take-off. But in fact, the controller intended only to give departure instructions, not clearance for take-off. Although the language s...