JW Way Fundamental #20: Be a Mentor "Help others. Take responsibility to coach, help, guide, teach, and mentor others. Contributing to the success of others enhances your own success and well-being, as well as our firm."The History of Mentoring at Jaburg & Wilk
We saw the benefit of a mentoring program at the firm. Many of us worked as sole practition...
JW Way Fundamental #19: Lead by Example "The best way to influence others and maintain our culture is by one’s own examples. Walk the talk. Don’t ask others to do what you won’t or can’t. Take responsibility to consistently demonstrate the JW Way."In almost any aspect of life—whether personal or professional—we work with other people where we emb...
JW Way Fundamental #12: Make a Difference
"Play an active role in supporting our community and those less fortunate by contributing time, money, and expertise to enrich the lives of others and improve our community. We can and do make a difference." When we wrote this fundamental, we left out an important part. The difference we make when we volunteer our...
This article is the second, and final, part of a two-part series that is meant to provide some guidance, suggestions, and insights for younger attorneys that have little or no deposition experience that are tasked with leading the brigade for their client(s) in taking and defending an array of depositions. Think of this as a blueprint and roadmap for what to expect...
This article is part one of a two-part series and is meant to provide some guidance, suggestions, and insights for younger attorneys that have little or no deposition experience that are tasked with leading the brigade for their client(s) in taking and defending an array of depositions. Think of this as a blueprint and roadmap for what to expect based on my recent ...
JW Way Fundamental #26: Show heartfelt appreciation."Recognize positive contributions of others. Regularly extend meaningful acknowledgment and appreciation. Give sincere, authentic praise."As stated in last week’s message and now restated for this week —teamwork makes the dream work. In the spirit of the long-waited season of March Madness, I will take my ...
JW Way Fundamental #27: Don’t take yourself too seriously."Maintain a healthy perspective on your work and professional life. There are more important things going on in the world than your daily challenges. And remember to have fun. Fun renews our spirit, keeps us energized, and helps us think more clearly."Maintain a healthy perspective on your work and profe...
I recently spoke with a friend who lives in Texas. The catastrophic snow storm left his family without power or running water for several days. Oddly, he did not complain about how miserable his situation was. Instead, he told me all of the new and fun things he was doing with his kids to make the most out of his situation. He was so filled with gratitude that it m...
As 2020 closed, most people said “good riddance.” It was a year that few of us want to repeat. We had less control over many aspects of our lives, most of us faced paradigm shifts in how we worked, there were massive losses, and our social interactions were altered dramatically. It felt like we were riding in a bus without much control of where we were going an...
JW Way Fundamental #16: Don’t be a jerk - always take the high road."Maintain professionalism at all times. Keep emotions under control. Advocating forcefully for the interests of our clients does not require bullying, condescension, foul language, or temper tantrums. This applies to co-workers, opposing counsel, and vendors. Always be a mensch."Don’t be a ...