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Blog Posts: JW Fundamentals

November 25, 2020
Being grateful in 2020 may seem unnecessary or simply feel out of reach. After all, the year is epitomized by a pandemic and a corresponding diminishing of physical and mental health, coupled with political division and civil unrest. For many, 2020 has been one of the most trying of years, if not the most difficult. The Thanksgiving holiday is the catalyst for thi...
November 18, 2020
JW Way Fundamental #9: Leave your ego at the door. "At all times, stay focused on serving the needs of our client and our firm, rather than on serving your ego. Remember – it’s about the client and our firm, not you!"Adolescence is hard. Many teens struggle with leading with their ego. Rather than being open to learning, they respond with “I know”. They ...
November 16, 2020
Remember the Bill Murray movie, Groundhog Day, where every day was the same? Bill’s character, Phil, was not a particularly emphatic, caring, or even a kind person. Being stuck reliving Groundhog Day every day was Phil’s journey to becoming a better person. Living with this pandemic reminds me of Groundhog Day, where much is the same every day. The difference i...
September 16, 2020
After several months of COVID and work frenzy, like many people, I decided to take a vacation. Any vacation taken during the WFH pandemic can quickly evolve into a working vacation and there are both good and bad aspects of that. Finding a place to safely travel to and safely stay has unique challenges during a global pandemic. Even taking a road trip, which seems ...
September 1, 2020
For cost containment - or other reasons - attorneys are trying fewer civil cases to juries. Years ago, trial attorneys would easily try dozens of cases per year. Now, it is not uncommon for a “trial attorney” to try one or two cases per year. For good or bad, the nature of civil practice has shifted and discovery, particularly depositions, has, in many ways, b...
September 1, 2020
JW Way Fundamental #25: Candidly discuss, then align. "Healthy, respectful discussion creates better solutions. Discuss concepts without personal attacks. Check your ego and search for the best solution rather than proving you are right. Once a decision is made, be fully aligned and completely supportive of it."Relationships, whether they be work or person...
July 22, 2020
The past few months have been the most unusual in my life. I never thought I would experience an event that would shut down the world and I have. While there is re-opening of some states, we are far from being back to normal. Having talked to a lot of people about how the pandemic impacts them, I noticed some trends emerging from those conversations. There is now a...
April 17, 2020
We are a few weeks into shelter at home, social distancing, remote working, and job losses. What mental health experts warned us might happen, has happened. Some people are lonely, frightened, agitated, and angry. Others are able to cope and adapt to the new normal easier. People who are normally social connectors may be struggling the most. They have lost one of t...
April 16, 2020
JW Way Fundamental #5: Listen Fully. "Listening is more than simply not speaking. Give others your undivided attention. Set aside your own judgments and preconceived notions. Listen with focus. Most importantly, listen to understand."COVID-19 has brought many new challenges to the way we communicate with our coworkers, clients, families, and friends. Never has li...
March 16, 2020
COVID-19 has created unprecedented turmoil globally. Few businesses have been able to avoid the impact. How leaders have responded is widely varied. They have either been decisive and calmed concerns or have created more chaos. What leadership characteristics are making the biggest positive impact? Empathy may be the most important leadership trait in this crisis. ...
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