Lauren Garner, a partner at the law firm of Jaburg Wilk will speak on "Arizona Probate Court Settlement and Mediation"
What: AzNEALA 16th Annual Symposium covering topics including ALTCS, Mental Health, New Arizona Probate Rules, Practice Management, Supportive Housing and Probate Court Settlement and Mediation
Where: Desert Willow Conference Center, 4340 E Cotto...
Nate’s presentation will focus on potential issues in auto injury litigation cases. He will address Damron, Morris and Helme Agreements; bad faith “set-ups”; attorney fee “set-ups”; and the implied waiver of the attorney client privilege.
What: Bad Faith Quandaries in Auto Injury Litigation
When: June 22, 2018 - 1:30 p.m.
Where: Holiday Inn Hotel ...
This webinar begins by identifying and defining construction defects, examining applicable laws and significant court rulings. It then looks at indemnity provisions and coverage issues in construction defect claims. The webinar breaks down litigation and discusses allegations, defenses and how to prove your case. Ethical issues surrounding these kinds of cases ar...
The Arizona State Bar Convention is held in June of each year. A large portion of the event is providing CLE to attorneys. The following are seminars that Jaburg Wilk attorneys have planned or are presenting at:
Life Insurance and Retirement Plan Considerations in Today’s Estate Planning Environment
Assisting estate planners and probate ...
Mark Bogard created, coordinated and facilitated the May meeting of the Arizona State Bar Construction Law Council with speakers: Scott Morrison - CPA, Morrison, Clark & Company; Matt Meaker - Sr. Corporate Counsel, Sundt Construction
What: Transaction Privilege Tax: Where We Were, Are and Might Be
When: May 1st, 2018 from 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
Lauren Garner, will address some of the particular issues that arise in mediating contested probate and trust matters and how to prepare and advocate for your clients in mediation. We will discuss various "settlement" opportunities available in Maricopa County; statutory and regulatory obligations for ADR, and specific types of cases that may be mediated. We will...
Nate Meyer will discuss alleged bad faith claims at the Phoenix chapter meeting of CLM – Claims and Litigation Management group.
What: Why Gamble on Faith?
When: June 6,2018 from 2:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Where: The Yard in Tempe
Registration: Click Here
[caption id="attachment_4584" align="aligncenter" width="174"] Protect your writings 1[/caption]PHOENIX, Ariz. (April 5, 2016)- Join Maria Crimi Speth, Intellectual Property attorney and author of Protect Your Writings for an informative presentation about the laws that affect writers and their creative work. Attendees will learn about the laws relating to writ...
PHOENIX, Ariz. (Feb. 2, 2016)- Jaburg Wilk shareholder Maria Crimi Speth along with other panelists will address innovative trends in the legal industry and explore the issues around ethical challenges to the use of social media and legal technology at Legal Innovation: Trends & Ethics From Different Perspectives, a legal event hosted by Evolve Law.
When: Th...