Our Firm

Month: April 2017

April 17, 2017
Employees of the Phoenix law firm  Jaburg Wilk participated in New City Phoenix's Spring Painting Blitz. The Barrio Nuevo Program revitalizes and transforms marginalized and under resourced neighborhoods in South Phoenix. This is the sixth house that Jaburg Wilk volunteers have painted.  It was the home of Grandma Josie.  She was very excited ...
April 10, 2017
Jaburg Wilk recently fielded a softball team to play in the Arizona Association of Defense Counsel – Young Lawyers Division annual Charity Softball Tournament which benefits Southwest Human Development, Arizona‘s largest nonprofit dedicated to early childhood development.   The fun day ended with an early exit for Team JW.   
April 3, 2017
The Arizona non-profit community was once again celebrated in the 2017 Social Venture Partners Arizona Fast Pitch competition. Social innovators were coached and mentored over two months to hone a three minute “pitch”. The program culminates in the Fast Pitch competition where more than $50,000 is awarded to competitors. Both Neal Bookspan and Brenda Edward...