Our Firm

Month: March 2023

March 29, 2023
On a brisk spring morning, employees of Jaburg Wilk and their families participated in the New City Phoenix’s 2023 Spring Painting Blitz.  Frequent supporters of this program, this is the eleventh home that Jaburg Wilk has painted in the eight years that they have been supporting The Barrio Nuevo Program.   This is just the second time that they have b...
March 14, 2023
Jaburg Wilk recently had a diaper drive to benefit families who are clients and prospective clients of NOAH – Neighborhood Outreach Access to Health.   Employees of Jaburg Wilk donated diapers, wipes, and Aquaphor cream.  There were more than 11,000 diapers collected through employee donations!  The two-day distribution event distributed these baby and toddle...