
Law Blog

Gary J. Jaburg
March 19, 2015
As high deductible health insurance plans are becoming more popular, an important component is health savings accounts (HSA).  In addition to having current tax advantages, there is specific tax treatment of HSA accounts upon the death of the account holder.  While not a requirement for HR departments, here is a quick tip that employees may find valuable...
Neal H. Bookspan
March 17, 2015
If you don't believe in yourself, who will? Self-confidence comes from inside you, not from others. And confidence and cockiness do not have to go together. If you think you know everything, you don't. If someone is tooting their own horn too much, it is likely they really are insecure. Most successful people play down their accomplishments.  So do you want t...
Gary J. Jaburg
March 16, 2015
The purpose of communicating - whether it's oral, written, sign language or Morse code - is that both parties understand what is being said.  It is primarily the sender's responsibility to ensure that the recipient receives and understands the communication.     The techniques used by excellent communicators vary.  The following 8 tips are effe...
Laurence Hirsch
March 16, 2015
I don't want the divorce; why should I have to pay for it? We all have expenses for things that we do not anticipate. We do not intend to get sick or hurt; however, if we need medical attention, we are required to pay the medical bills. If you are involved in a divorce and elect to be represented by counsel, you are expected to pay for those legal services even if...
Laurence Hirsch
March 12, 2015
You may be surprised that most divorce lawyers in Phoenix get along rather well.  Many times clients have a difficult time understanding that two lawyers, with diametrically opposed positions and clients, can have a good laugh or conduct themselves in a professional manner.  In spite of what you may hear, it is usually to your benefit when both lawyers ar...
Mitchell Reichman
March 11, 2015
How can I make the most of my first meeting with my lawyer? Be prepared and organized. Bring basic information such as a simple statement of assets and liabilities, tax returns for the past three years and it is recommend that clients bring notes with bullet point topics they would like to discuss and questions they seek to have answered.  Should I bring all of my...
Maria Crimi Speth
March 2, 2015
One of the biggest mistakes made is that people assume that if a photograph comes up on Google Images then it must be public domain or free game to use on their website. This is absolutely not correct.  You MUST have permission to use any photograph you find on the internet. The fact that it came up on Google Images does not mean anything, as Google is just a...
Gary J. Jaburg
February 26, 2015
Wage and hour law is complex.  Compliance is challenging, and although a company may have both processes and policies in place, a manager or supervisor can put the company at risk for unpaid wages if they are not familiar with all of the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act ("FLSA").  There can be ambiguity as to what time is compensable.  F...
Glenn Jimerson
February 23, 2015
By Lindsay Preach and Sandy Foster JW Way #7: Honor commitments.  Do what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it.  If a commitment can't be fulfilled, notify others early and agree upon a new commitment to be honored. Many people believe Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. A 6 time NBA Champion, 6 ti...
Jaburg Wilk
February 16, 2015
Jobs are becoming more plentiful in our recovering economy. Potential employees may have the luxury of selecting between alternate jobs or may pass on a job with the expectation that a better one will come next. People may no longer have to take the first job that comes their way in order to put food on the table. And, if someone needs a job, sometimes that job off...