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Blog Posts: Law Blog

November 4, 2024
Every day is a good day to think about and set goals. These can be short or long-term goals. Many people write New Year’s Resolutions and view that as the time to set goals or challenges. A lot of those same people are the ones who let those resolutions fall by the wayside before February 1. The fact is there is no date or time frame that matters for goal setting...
October 28, 2024
Fulton J. Sheen said, “Jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to genius.” While harsh, this observation rings particularly true in competitive workplace environments, where success often breeds resentment among colleagues. From subtle undermining to overt hostility, jealousy can poison team dynamics and hinder the progress of your business. Jealousy is a comp...
October 21, 2024
Your business has a culture whether it is conscious or not. My firm has a defined culture we call the JW Way.  It is a mission statement consisting of twenty-seven fundamentals that the owners and employees strive to live by while operating and working in the firm. Since making these fundamentals a conscious part of our firm,  we found that it improved what we al...
October 15, 2024
This past weekend I was reading something and saw the phrase “be the change you want to see.” I’ve heard it before and have written about the benefits of change.  It struck me as I believe change and trying new things is the road to success in business, as well as in life and happiness. When days are like being on a treadmill, life is monotonous. Maybe it r...
October 7, 2024
You grow or stay stagnant. My point is that you either are taking action to improve yourself and your business or you are not. This is like being all talk and taking no action or being fully engaged.  Action matters and there is no time like the present to put yourself out there, meet people, and try to expand your network. Another component of this is continuall...
September 30, 2024
Management is about execution. More specifically, management is about executing the visions of your company’s leadership. Managers work in the present while leaders work in the future. Managers of people need to focus on how to get the people they manage to execute. Like many roles, there are any number of ways to manage people. Some people micromanage their tea...
September 23, 2024
We all have stress. I picture an empty room where challenges keep coming at me from straight in front of me, the top left corner, the middle right corner, or wherever. You get the idea. The point is that challenges keep coming at us from all angles as if we are in a video game trying to move forward. Some challenges are exciting and invigorating while others are ha...
September 16, 2024
During the first decade of my career, I had one formal mentor and several informal mentors. Most of my mentors were attorneys or judges, which makes sense given my chosen profession. Others were in different professions or businesses. The string running through all those relationships was the professional and life lessons I learned from each one, many of which I fo...
September 9, 2024
Success comes from constantly assessing the results from actions you take and adjusting, depending on what is or is not working. If something you’re doing is not successful, you need to change it or try something new. The funny thing is that the flip side is the same: if something you’re doing is successful, it helps to tweak or change it to see if it can be ev...
September 3, 2024
You may not think it, but it is good to be the dumbest person in the room.  Knowing and acknowledging it to others lets you learn. This allows you an opportunity to learn what otherwise would be lost. The room may be full of people or just one other person. The point is all of us can learn no matter whether you view yourself as a leader or not. You know we all ar...