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Blog Posts: Law Blog

August 19, 2024
Recently I was speaking with a young attorney who was lamenting the workload and hours the partners at his firm expected of him and talking about his time at night and on the weekends being his time, not theirs. This struck me.  When I was a young attorney, I expected to work hard and do whatever was asked of me as I learned a profession. I think that attitude and...
August 12, 2024
Each of us is a part of a group in relation to our work. You are a part of the company where you work.  And you are probably part of smaller formal groups comprised of you and co-workers, as well as part of other professional, industry, or similar groups outside of your company. In every group there is a dynamic of those who speak and those who generally don’t. ...
July 29, 2024
If you compare your life with others, especially those you believe to be more successful or happier than you are, you will be unhappy in your life. Teddy Roosevelt said “Comparison is the thief of joy” more than a century ago and it still rings true today. The point is to not be envious of others or, more accurately, of what you perceive the success or happines...
July 15, 2024
Many people sugarcoat what they say to save another’s feelings. I think this is because most people shy away from potentially confrontational conversations or don’t know how to effectively communicate something negative or that is constructive criticism. If you are unable or unwilling to have honest, hard conversations with your peers and employees, it’s detr...
July 2, 2024
Many attorneys (and I assume others) have this somewhat canned response when someone asks them how it’s going. It’s generally some version of “It’s another day” or “Different day, same stuff.” The message being communicated is that the day and stuff is the same, is a slog, and what they’re saying is negative in tone. They focus on the negative and n...
June 24, 2024
Inspiration can hit you anytime. When it does, you know it instantly. Many times, the timing is inconvenient. When this happens, you have to take steps to not lose that inspiration. It happens to me frequently and at different times! It can be in the middle of the night, when I’m at my desk working, when I’m in a conversation, or at what is likely a very incon...
June 17, 2024
What are you doing right now? Are you focusing on reading these words, or do you have an eye on your email, texts, social media, or maybe all of them?  Or are you on the phone?  We all think we can do this and do it well, but the truth is we can’t. Real multi-tasking is not achievable. When I am on the phone during the day, I can hear the keyboard and mouse cl...
June 10, 2024
My dad died last week. As I wrote that statement, I’m still in disbelief that it happened. Where I’m sitting now is so different than where I was a week ago. My dad was in the hospital supposedly on the road to recovery and I was deep in preparation for an arbitration hearing scheduled to start this week. Now I am sitting in my office with no dad and a cancelle...
May 28, 2024
Failure is an important part of success. Hockey great Wayne Gretzky said, “You’ll always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” How true. This statement recognizes that people are seriously afraid to fail. Similarly, people are seriously afraid to have someone tell them they failed or did something incorrectly. The fact is that most people are afraid of cr...
May 20, 2024
This morning, I was clearing out some old emails and found a link to a video from a number of years ago. The video is titled “Millennials Show Us What ‘Old’ Looks Like”.  I was reminded about what I thought when I first saw it years ago, which is the big picture idea that people judge others based on their own biases and lack of knowledge. It could be bas...
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