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Blog Posts: Law Blog

August 10, 2015
Can the misunderstanding of a few words literally mean the difference between life and death?  In 1977 at foggy Tenerife in the Canary islands, the captain of a KLM flight thought that the air traffic controller had cleared him to take-off. But in fact, the controller intended only to give departure instructions, not clearance for take-off. Although the language s...
July 14, 2015
Manage expectations. Establish mutually agreeable expectations as to the time, expense and goals of every engagement.   Let clients know what to expect and when.  Clients should not be surprised.  In preparing this week's message, I reviewed the previous weekly messages on Managing Expectations (ME). What was most striking was that the previous ...
July 1, 2015
I'm sure you are all familiar with the "Golden Rule", but do you know the "Platinum Rule"? It is "Treat others as THEY want to be treated"!! This is an extremely important difference, especially for attorneys that have been practicing for a number of years. It is important to remember, that you can't treat people the way they want to be treated, unless you "put you...
May 26, 2015
By Brenda Edwards Evaluations are like report cards. They are perceived as an indicator of performance and, as such, a great amount of importance may be placed on an evaluation. However, the purpose of an evaluation is multi-pronged. It is to provide feedback, celebrate victories and growth, present areas of opportunity and to plan. If there has been consistent an...
April 28, 2015
Some of you may be asking, what does he mean? Some of you may be saying, life/work balance, good luck! What I mean is being on the edge of having fun, vacation, just not working for a day, etc. What I'm really talking about his life/work balance. We all work hard. At least I like to think that we do. One of the things that helps me stay focused at work is the know...
April 27, 2015
Maintain professionalism at all times. Keep emotions under control. Advocating forcefully for the interest of our clients does not require bullying, condescension, foul language, or temper tantrums. This applies to co-workers, opposing counsel, and vendors. Be a "mensch". This week's JW way really intrigues me. I have often wondered how some people can't see the ef...
April 15, 2015
Yes, I know the title is a bit cheesy, but it is April 15, and, of course, I mean something else: Why is it so hard to be successful? Life is hard. Work is hard. Business is hard. Being successful is hard, let alone getting "ahead." And working hard doesn't mean you will be successful or get ahead, but it sure doesn't hurt. You need to put in time and do so smartl...
March 31, 2015
It may be All About That Bass this year, but will any of us remember Meghan Trainor next year? No one plans to be a one hit wonder. Whether in music or business. We are overloaded in every field of business and all professions. The goal is to sustain your business or career over time. You do this by nurturing relationships and doing both short term, mid-term and l...
March 17, 2015
If you don't believe in yourself, who will? Self-confidence comes from inside you, not from others. And confidence and cockiness do not have to go together. If you think you know everything, you don't. If someone is tooting their own horn too much, it is likely they really are insecure. Most successful people play down their accomplishments.  So do you want t...
March 16, 2015
The purpose of communicating - whether it's oral, written, sign language or Morse code - is that both parties understand what is being said.  It is primarily the sender's responsibility to ensure that the recipient receives and understands the communication.     The techniques used by excellent communicators vary.  The following 8 tips are effe...